Tue, 08. October 2024
Current road reports, accessibility of pass roads, first-hand information about pass regions.
Spellbinding Alpine PassesIn the intimate Cigar Library we take our guests away to the enjoyment of the finest cigars. With the largest selection of cigars of any hotel in the world, Marie Gerber, hostess of The Cigar Library, is sure to find the one that’s just right for any individual taste.
Joie de vivre and serene meditation - enjoy one of over 800 different cigars from the most exotic corners of the world, perhaps with a unique view towards the stylish walk-in Humidor, or in the cosy The Courtyard. Savour the moment alone, or in a relaxed conversation. Take your time! You have arrived at The Chedi Andermatt.
Dresscode: Smart casual (no shorts or sandals).
The Chedi Andermatt - The Cigar Library
Gotthardstrasse 4
6490 Andermatt