Mon, 09. September 2024
Current road reports, accessibility of pass roads, first-hand information about pass regions.
Spellbinding Alpine PassesThey sparkle and glitter in the sunlight, but they have their origin deep inside the mountains: mountain crystals.
The Pfaffensprung crystal cave in Wassen can be viewed throughout the year on a group excursion led by Peter Amacher.
At a length of 165 metres, Kristallhöhle Pfaffensprung near Wassen is the second largest crystal cave in Switzerland. The entrance to the cave is 15 minutes’ walk away from Wassen.
The cave has been worked ever since the Middle Ages, and numerous mountain crystals have been brought to light over the centuries.
Geo Uri offers guided tours through Pfaffensprung crystal cave with local Peter Amacher. These tours are also suitable for families and companies as well as associations.
Note: old clothes, a flashlight and a helmet (bike helmet) are required for the tour of the cave, as it is cool, moist/damp and dark inside.
Geo Uri GmbH
Chäli 11
6474 Amsteg