Mon, 09. September 2024
Current road reports, accessibility of pass roads, first-hand information about pass regions.
Spellbinding Alpine PassesAnderMountain offers an encounter with nature in the areas of ski touring, freeriding, climbing, alpine tours and training courses. Only local mountain guides are on the road with you.
AnderMountain is a combination of Andermatt and Mountain. The base of AnderMountain is therefore in the middle of the beautiful mountains of Uri in the vastness of the Ursern Valley. AnderMountain does not offer an experience from a travel catalogue or a postcard, but at the pulse of the mountains; this is sometimes rough, sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy or even relaxed and it is exactly such an experience that we make possible. Because that is the real DNA of the incredible mountain world around us, which teaches and strengthens us.
6490 Andermatt
Herr Florian Tresch
6490 Andermatt