Thu, 19. September 2024
Current road reports, accessibility of pass roads, first-hand information about pass regions.
Spellbinding Alpine Passes“Quattro, tre, due, uno, tooot!”
Construction of what was once the world’s longest tunnel – the Gotthard Tunnel – was a historically influential event, not only for Göschenen. In the focusing gallery, which is part of the Tour of Gotthard Tunnel village Göschenen, a detonation is impressively recreated during a short audio show.
Gotthard tunnel village Göschenen made history with the construction of what was the world’s longest railway tunnel at that time. The Gotthard Tunnel was built from 1872-1882.
The history of the development of traffic across and through the Gotthard is also particularly easy to trace in Göschenen. Mercenaries, pilgrims and traders travelled on the mule path from North to South and vice versa. Later on, the railway tunnel and, after that, the autobahn tunnel transformed the Alpine massif into the European Alpine transversal.
Tour of Gotthard Tunnel village Göschenen
The focusing gallery is located right next to Göschenen railway station and is one of 14 stops on the Gotthardtunneldorf Göschenen tour. The tour can be undertaken for free and individually or with a guide upon request from approximately May to October.
6487 Göschenen